By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, you would have definitely settled within your mind that you are pregnant. The reason is that, by now, you would have confirmed that you have missed your menstrual period. Also, the changes in your hormone levels would have become more pronounced because of certain symptoms like nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, you are becoming more sensitive and moody, and a few other signs that it may be giving you.
Now that you are 5 weeks pregnant, one of the things that will be going on in your body is the continual development of the placenta. While you must have already known by now that the placenta is what will give your baby the required nutrients and oxygen to survive, you should know that it is an organ that is going to connect your fetus developing within you and your uterine wall together so as to carry out its functions. The placenta will finish its formation at the end of your first trimester.
Whatever tests you may want to carry out now, especially a home pregnancy test, now that you are 5 weeks pregnant is the best time to do it. But you should remember that if you are using a urine test, the best time to check is the first urine you have in the morning. This is because it is at this time that your HCG will be at its highest. There are many reliable pregnancy tests available on the market today likethis on here that you can take at home. Read more about how to use pregnancy tests here.
While you should understand that it takes time for babies to form and that it happens from the scratch, at least by now, the first system of your baby which is the circulatory system together with its accompanying organ which is the heart, should be in operation. It is possible that with the use of the ultrasound, you may be noticing the breathing of the baby, although, you will see this clearer by the time you are 7 weeks pregnant.
By this stage that you are 5 weeks pregnant, you must also note that the three different layers (i.e the ectoderm, mesoderm, and the endoderm) would have been formed. And while the ectoderm and endoderm would have begun their various formations, the mesoderm would form in the weeks to come.
On your own part, you should expect the pregnancy symptoms to have become fully at work now that you are 5 weeks pregnant. If you experience mood swing, it is normal. In fact, the earlier you get used to it, the better for you.
Then, the pregnancy hormones in your body would have fully taken their place. These pregnancy hormones are the chemical signals that will pass the information all over your body and make the necessary changes that your body needs.
There is also the likelihood that you will feel depressed from this stage as it is recorded that about 10 to 20 percent of women will get depressed in the stage of their pregnancy. But then, if the time the depression is moving beyond two weeks, you may have to see your doctor.