Week by Week Pregnancy Guide: 12 Weeks
The moment you become 12 weeks pregnant, your baby is so much taking the form of a human being now. While the growth of the head will be slowing down now, other parts of the body will be growing faster to catch up with the growth of the head. As against the baby looking curled before, he or she will be growing more upright now.
As you are reaching the end of your first trimester now, the hormones of your body will be slowing down now gradually so that you will begin to feel less of the pregnancy symptoms. And for some women, this is the best time they share the good news of their pregnancy with family and friends. Just make sure you decide when is best with your spouse.
With you being 12 weeks pregnant, in terms of the month, it means you are in the last week of your third month of pregnancy. As touching the size of your baby, he or she should be about three inches long by now, given that he or she is developing normally. The fingernails, bones, and toenails will be forming, and a nice layer of hair will be covering most parts of the body now.
With the nature of your baby’s growth now, if you put your hand on your tommy, your little baby is likely to give a wiggle response as he or she is now busy kicking and stretching. In fact, the baby now has the capacity to open and close the fingers, curt the toes, and even kick with the arms and legs.
But then on your part, while the hormones are slowing down so that the morning sickness are likely to start fading out, there is the most likelihood that all of that morning sickness will be replaced with dizziness and headache. Then, you may experience an increase in discharge. If this happens, although it may seem irritating to you, yet, you don’t have to worry about it. The essence of this discharge is to serve as a means of protection to your vagina against infections.
But note that while the discharge is expected to be clear, if you notice that it is yellowish, pinkish, brownish or even greenish in color now that you are 12 weeks pregnant, you may need to contact your doctor for the next line of action as those colors may signify infection or preterm labour.
It is also possible you discover your heart rate is speeding up. This is because of the presence of an extra volume of blood in you. And then, while your uterus by now would have grown so big that it can no longer fit into its normal usual position, it will begin to push into your abdomen, but still at a level that you can bear.
So for now, you just have to stick to food and recipes that will ensure the proper growth of your pregnancy. Ensure you take bits of food at regular intervals. And while some of feeling of discomfort may be normal, once you notice it is getting of hand, it is advisable you consult your doctor for further check-ups.
Have you announced your pregnancy yet?
If not, here are a few creative ideas for pregnancy announcement:
Follow Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week
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