Week by Week Pregnancy Guide: 15 Weeks
It is quite an amazing thing and something you should expect if you feel much energy now that you are 15 weeks pregnant. By now, you are likely to have had those tiring and discomforting morning sickness left you so that you are more active at this time.
And then, the hearing of your baby would have been developing so that gradually, they will begin to pick certain voices and sounds coming from the world outside and even that of your heartbeat. It is also possible that they will begin to sense and respond to the bright light coming from outside of your tummy. In fact, if you shine a light towards your belly, it is possible that your baby will move away from it.
More so, if you can see it inside, you will discover that your baby is now covered with fine hair which is called lanugo, even though sometime before their birth, it will disappear. The essence of this hair is to keep them warm until the level where they would get to develop the layer of fat inside which will also make them warm the moment they are given birth to.
And as for the size of your baby, he or she should be about 10.1 cm long which is like the size of an orange. Amazingly, your baby would have grown to a level that it will now be in proportion as per the size of the entire body. This means that the body would have caught up with the head as touching the growth level. Also, by now, your baby will be developing his or her skills for swallowing, gasping and taste buds.
So, now that your baby is growing, you should also be adding some weight. At least, your target should be adding a pound every week or like four pounds in a month.
You may find yourself suffering from either indigestion or heartburn even though you feel so much hunger than before. The way to handle this is just to take small quantities of food at several occasions instead of taking three big ones.
Another thing is if you discover you are feeling light-headed, it is a natural thing pregnant women feel. The reason for this is because of a change in the blood sugar levels. So, when you feel like fainting, sit down for some time and place your head in between your legs, it will keep you from falling and hurting yourself.
You don’t need to worry yourself if you feel round ligament pain which is due to the stretching of your growing uterus thereby causing pains in the lower sides of your stomach. The only time you should get concerned is if the pain persists and the discomfort is getting unbearable; call your doctor.
By now, you need to stay active because it boosts your health and that of your unborn baby also. So don’t stay for too long at a spot.
Keep up with your appointments with your doctor or midwife so they can monitor the growth of your baby and also find out early if you are likely to be at risk of preeclampsia or other chromosomal issues.
Have you announced your pregnancy yet?
If not, here are a few creative ideas for pregnancy announcement:
Follow Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week
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