Week by Week Pregnancy Guide: 16 Weeks
The moment you are 16 weeks pregnant, you should remember that you are in the second week of your second trimester stage, and things are getting gradually exciting compared to the early days of your pregnancy. One of which is that by now, it is most likely that you would have forgotten the terrifying morning sickness you dreaded before.
Also, your baby would have also much developed that the face can now move. By implication, your baby will start making some facial expressions, even though she may not really have control them for now. But then, she is yet to develop any fat which means her skin will still be translucent at the moment. This implication of this is that if you are able to peek, you will see the blood vessels under his skin. But then, that’s just for the mean time, it will change in a few weeks to come.
Also, as you have noted last week, by now, your baby would have become so familiar with sounds and voices. You can even take the step of speaking and singing to your baby now (if you have not started yet). If your baby will suck after birth, the sucking habit would have developed by now.
On the weight of your baby, he or she should be about three to four ounces now which amounts to like four or five inches in length. Those tiny muscles in his or her back and the backbone with gradually be getting strengthened now. With this, he or she will be able to straighten his head as well as the neck better. Then, the eyes would have developed to the level that the baby can make some movements from one side to the other even though the eyelids still remain sealed.
The nervous system of your baby will, by now, be getting connected to the other muscles. And the implication of this is that it will become easy for the baby to start making some moves by purpose. Unimaginably, as your baby begins to learn how to grip things, you may find him grabbing and playing with the umbilical cord.
You should be booked for an antenatal appointment this week. It is there you will have all forms of tests like that of your blood pressure, blood and urine. If you have some sharp pains in your leg, don’t worry. Just try and gently exercise your legs, ankles and the feet in the daytime, then see if will suffice.
More so, at this stage, your sleeping posture has to change. Don’t sleep any longer on your back; this can cause low blood pressure and or dizziness for you. And when you are exercising, don’t lie on your back for too long.
Try not to sit at a spot for too long; and while you are sitting, make sure you raise your legs often so as to avoid painful varicose veins. It can be fun, by now, try to start thinking of the cute and beautiful names you want to give your baby. And if you feel some anxiety, feel free to talk it out with a counselor.
Have you announced your pregnancy yet?
If not, here are a few creative ideas for pregnancy announcement: