Medicines during Pregnancy: Safe Medications and Alternative
Pregnancy does not make you immune to illnesses. As a matter of fact, it is common to find expectant mothers under the weather. The concern is always the safety of over the counter medication.
There are some which are safe during pregnancy while others should be completely avoided. Some have effects on your baby which you may not know. Therefore, it is always important to go for pre-natal clinics to consult your doctor on what medications you can take.
They will help you analyze the benefits and risks and help you find alternatives. Even as you do so, be transparent with your doctor on whatever supplements or alternative medicines you may be taking. Sometimes what is labeled “natural” is far from it.
The safe medications during pregnancy
There is no issue with taking prenatal vitamins. They are quite safe and important during pregnancy. Before you take other vitamins, herbal remedies and supplements, consult your doctor.
These have been proven to be unfit for pregnant women. Otherwise, do not take any over the counter medication during pregnancy unless it is a necessity.
Some of the safe medications include:
- Diphenhydramine(Benadryl), Loratadine (Claritin) and Rhinocort for treatment of allergies.
- Gaviscon, Maalox, Mylanta, Riopan, Titralac and TUMs to treat heartburn.
- Acetaminophen, saline drops or spray and warm salt and water gargle to treat a cold or flu.
- Bacitracin, J&J first-aid cream, Neosporin and Polysporin as first aid ointments.
- Imodium, Kaopectate and Parepectolin to treat diarrhea.
- Tylenol(acetaminophen) to treat headaches
- Colace and Metamucil to treat constipation.
- Anusol, Preparation H, Tucks, Witch hazel to treat hemorrhoids.
- Monistat and Terazol to treat yeast infections.
- Benadryl cream, Caladryl cream, Hydrocortisone cream and oatmeal bath to treat rashes.
***Please note that no medication is 100% safe during pregnancy and before you take any medication, consult your doctor***
Safe alternative therapies you can use
You don’t necessarily have to use medication when there are safe alternatives. These therapies have been effective in relieving some pregnant women of the uncomfortable effects of pregnancy. They include:
- Acupuncture, acupressure and vitamin B6 to treat nausea during the early stages of pregnancy. Click here to read more information about natural remedies to reduce morning sickness.
- Chiropractic manipulation is the best treatment for backaches. You can also go for a massage but ensure that your masseur is adequately trained in pre-natal massage.
- Exercise and hypnosis can help in turning a breech baby.
- Epidurals or immersion in a warm bath can help relieve the pain and tension in labor. Other techniques are relaxation and breathing techniques.
Alternative therapies to avoid
As mentioned earlier, not everything “natural” is indeed natural. There are therapies that should be avoided during pregnancy. When in concentrated form, the substances below are harmful to your baby and have the potential to cause birth defects or encourage early labor.
They include:
- Oral supplements such as arborvitae, Beth root, black/blue cohosh, ginseng, sage, rue, vitamin A, juniper and wormwood.
- Aromatherapy essential oils such as calamus, mugwort, hyssop, basil, myrrh, marjoram, and thyme.
Pregnancy is such a sensitive state and not everything goes. All medications are not 100% safe during pregnancies so if you can avoid them, the better for your baby. Before you take any medication always consult your doctor. It will keep you from making costly mistakes.
Have you announced your pregnancy yet?
If not, here are a few creative ideas for pregnancy announcement: