How I made $3,329 in September from blogging
September was a good month. I finally see my blogging efforts turning to be a real income. It makes me really excited and I feel more optimistic about my blogging future.
It was not always like this, especially during my first year of blogging. Not that I wasn’t optimistic, you must be if you want to be a business owner, it is just that before I started using Pinterest to drive traffic to my blog, I was very frustrated about my monthly traffic level results.
Fortunately, I have found out about Pinterest’s ability to drive high traffic before I “officially” shut down my first blog. Five months after I started pinning on Pinterest, my blog traffic went up to 64,000 page views a month and I finally started earning money from blogging.
That month I joined Mediavine, and my ad revenue increased by 10 times.
4 months after I joined Mediavine, my blog traffic reached almost 200,000 monthly page views.
I was really amazed by Pinterest so I decided to write a guide about my experience on Pinterest and my best Pinterest tips. I published the guide a few months later, in which I share the exact Pinterest strategy I use to increase my blog traffic. Click here to reach my Pinterest Guide.
When finally, I had traffic, I could start monetizing it.
Monthly traffic in September 2019
This month I had only 75,444 page views, it is almost 60,000 fewer page views than the previous month traffic.
My monthly traffic decreased because I didn’t work as usual during July and August. It was the summer break, we were on a vacation in Germany and I had to spend more time with my kids.
What is next?
Now that I feel more relaxed about my Pinterest strategy, I can put more time into content optimization and website monetization.
Another thing that I find very interesting lately is selling digital products. Are they the perfect products to sell online? This is definitely something that I will write about in my next posts.
And the great news is that I have started a graphic design course to improve my graphic skills!
My goals for the next months
- Create new digital products – design printables, write another eBook, create e-courses.
- Increase my affiliate income
- Optimize my websites for SEO
- Increase monthly traffic
Well, let’s get to the most exciting part of this report – the revenue this month.
So here I’m sharing my September blogging business income report.
September 2019 Blogging Income Report
Mediavine – $1,630.32
Skimlinks Affiliate – $192.07
Amazon Associates – $159.34
eBay Partner Network – $9.08
Content writing service – $ 785
Facebook Marketing Consultant – $554
Depositephotos Flexible Plan – $29
Net profit: $3,300
Thinking about starting your own blog?
Don’t think twice and start it now!
Blogging is the best thing that happened to me – read my story here.
You can create a WordPress blog on Bluehost just in a few simple steps (you don’t need to know to code) and start your blogging business today.
Follow my detailed How to Start a Blog guide and learn how to earn money online.
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