Your 1-month Old Newborn Baby Growth & Development
Your baby grows strong and big every week, and during the growth, the baby makes numerous developments gradually. Every baby, therefore, grows in a unique way. So there is nothing to worry about mothers! Your baby does grow every week making different developments of senses, movements and in the entire body which you might notice rarely at times. This is a fact that some babies make developments a little slow as compared to others, but this is nothing to worry about. Your baby will take time to develop and understand activities gradually. Scientists say that in the first month your baby experiences and goes through a range of developmental milestones.
Development of Senses of your baby
It is better to lean close to your baby when you talk to him or give a smile. This is because the sight of a newborn baby is fuzzy, but when the baby is one month old, he is able to see things a bit clearly. The baby still cannot see things that are almost 30cm far. They are able to make movements as well, like moving their heads to follow the source of sound or if they see an object moving they will quickly move their head to see that object. It is better to show them toys that are black and white in color, this because the bright colors are of high contrast for them to recognize and pick.
We mothers already know that our baby starts developing a sense of hearing when it’s in the womb. Gradually, when the baby is born he starts focusing more on sounds and the ability to hear. In the first month, the baby’s sense of hearing is fully developed and is sensitive to high pitch sounds. They give slight responses to when you speak to them or clap to them. They even turn their heads to follow the source of sound. You will enjoy more when your baby will react to the different songs or poems you play.
Development of the motor skills of your baby
Movement of Head
You might notice your baby lift his head slightly or move it when distracted by an object. This does not mean that the baby has full control over the neck muscles. The neck muscles of the baby are still weak and that is why it is important to keep your one hand at the back of the head of your baby when you lift him up.
Discovering their Body
When the babies are a few weeks or days old they do not realize that they are separated from your body. They realize this gradually when they are one month old by discovering their arms, legs, and fingers.
Few tips to help your baby make more developments
- Try to keep a lot of eye contact and talk with the baby like that. Make animated voice while talking.
- Get your baby noisy and colorful toys to make them recognize and focus.
- Increase the skills and focus of the baby through a mobile hanging above the baby’s cot.