Play ideas for newborn babies
It is important for every mum to spend time playing with her newborn. It not only helps you get closer but also helps your baby learn about the world. Your newborn finds you as the best plaything and it is quite easy to play together.
When you play with your baby, you get to know each other and build on your bond to make it stronger. It also helps your baby’s brain to develop and they get to learn as well. It is through playing that your baby learns to talk and understand words.
Here are a few play ideas for you and your baby:
1. The simple games
The simple games are the best for your newborn. Singing, chatting, tickling, counting toes and blowing raspberries are some simple games you can try. Babies love nursery rhymes even in your traditional language.
2. Face-to-face play
It’s time to get cheeky and babyish around your newborn by making faces, smiling, laughing, rolling your eyes or poking out your tongue. Your newborn loves to watch your face and the silliness you exhibit when you do. Changing time is the perfect opportunity for face-to-face play. As your baby enjoys his or her nappy-changing time, you also get to benefit as they will not throw a fit or start crying.
3. Objects to feel
You can give your baby all kinds of objects to feel including soft toys, rattles or even cloth books with pages of different textures. These will be lots of fun for your baby. Besides that, feeling different things helps your baby learn about the world.
4. Looking time
You can give your baby different things to look at. It could be outside, inside, different people or different rooms. Their eyes will keep darting back and forth, excited at what they are seeing. They will not only learn but also easily sleep off.
5. Tummy time
You should set aside time to give your baby tummy time each day. During tummy time, your baby lies on his tummy with the weight of his forearms. This helps to build head, neck and upper body strength that the baby will need when they grow older. Tummy time should start soon after birth as part of the baby’s daily play for 1 to 2 minutes. Increase the time as they grow older. Learn how to do tummy time with your baby.
6. Sounds
Make sounds or talk with your baby. Wait for her to respond. While it may take a while, you may be surprised at how much your baby has to ‘say’.
7. Read with your baby
It’s never too early to start reading with your baby just hold the book close enough. Check out this “First 100 Words” book that will help your little one learn some essential first words. There are 100 color photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 simple first words to read and learn, too.
8. Hey Macarena
In gentle motion, move their body parts like extending their arms and legs. Give them a little massage. Playing like they are a marionette puppet is an excellent way to help them stretch.
9. Mirror
Mirrors are great for exploration and discovery and babies cannot get enough of staring at their own reflection.
10. Hanging patterns
At around 8 weeks, babies can distinguish patterns around them and are amused by them.
When playing with your baby, feel free to be silly to have more fun. You’ll be surprised at how long you can keep your baby entertained with these simple games.