Diet for a healthy breastfeeding mommy
All mothers want to give the best of their baby, and as they say, you are what you eat. But does this also speak for your baby when you are breastfeeding? There are many tips available, but sorting the good sides of the bad is a challenge. Read on to find out which food to eat and should not eat during breastfeeding.
Some mothers think they have to drink large quantities of water to get enough milk. In reality, this is simply not the case. But you should try to drink more than eight glasses a day, which corresponds to about 1.2 liters. If you are thirsty, drink, but you do not have to be obsessive. As long as you drink enough to feed your thirst, your body is more than capable of maintaining the moisture content. However, it is not uncommon to be very thirsty during eating because a hormone called oxytocin is released.
Foods to avoid during breastfeeding
Although fatty fish is a good thing, many experts agree that you should not eat more than two portions a week while breastfeeding. Another warning concerns fish such as sharks, marlin and swordfish. Indeed, we know that these fish contain pollutants that can end up in your milk. You have to avoid them while you are eating.
Another thing you should know about foods to avoid is that some strongly flavored foods may change the taste of your milk, and some may increase your baby’s colic pain. Here is a list of foods you better avoid during breastfeeding:
- “Gassy” veggies (onion, cabbage, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.
- Chocolate – has a laxative effect on babies
- Spicy food
- Spices (cinnamon, garlic, curry, etc.)
- Caffeine
- Parsley or Peppermint
- Alcohol
- Citrus
- strawberries
Caffeine can affect your baby, but as long as you drink one or two cups a day, it should be good. One thing to consider is that caffeine can be found in some non-alcoholic beverages, so be sure to check this before you drink, as this may affect your baby’s sleep patterns.
Foods to eat during breastfeeding
As you can imagine, it is important to know what to eat while breastfeeding. Your breast milk is the only source of nutrition for your child, so it is vital that your diet reflects this need.
Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables with natural carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes, and rice to give you energy. Fiber is still important for the health of the digestive system, including whole pasta, bread, rice, and lentils.
Protein is also important; you have to try to eat fish at least twice a week, salmon and mackerel are good sources of oily fish. And do not forget the calcium that you can get from cheese, milk, and yogurt. The website offers an excellent guide on what you should eat.
Vitamin supplements
You must take ten micrograms of vitamin D every day while you are breastfeeding. All other nutrients must be adequately supplied after a healthy diet. Health departments recently reported an increase in rickets and other vitamin D-related shortcomings.
Top Breastfeeding & Lactation Tips
Apart from getting the proper nutrition, there are a few other things you can do. Let me show you these first as they will also help your child.
Eat a mix of flavors
The taste of your breast milk can change depending on what you eat. Therefore you should expose your child to a variety of different tastes and flavors.
This will be beneficial for your child for when they begin eating a range of solid foods. However, very strong flavors may make your child irritable, so avoid these.
Observe your child’s reaction
If you eat certain foods and observe your child’s reaction to it, you can gauge whether or not they like it. If they don’t, you can avoid it in the future.
They may become irritable if they don’t like it. So how do you get the proper nutrition in your milk? This is where it is important to know what to eat while breastfeeding. Have you ever heard of DHA omega 3 fats?
These fats (which are good fats) are essential for the proper growth and development of your child. As its only source of nutrition, your breast milk needs to be jam-packed with DHA.
Now that you are armed with this information, you will know what to eat while breastfeeding. The proper development of your child in early life is of paramount importance to their overall well-being.
When your body is providing for your baby, it puts you under additional strain. You burn more calories, and you need more energy. Make sure you eat enough and often to maintain your energy. It is not unusual to have a higher than normal appetite during this period, and it is important to eat as often as you need. Using a breastfeeding pillow when feeding your baby could make it more comfortable for you both.