Things to Do Before Your Baby is Born
When preparing for your baby’s arrival, there are some crucial things that you need to do to make both your life and that of your newborn much easier. You might freak out 3 weeks before the delivery day and then time runs out so fast that you are left feeling confused and unprepared. Here is a checklist that should cover your bases.
- Prepare a post-partum kit
It is good that you are preparing for your baby but don’t forget to prepare for yourself as well. Mums will often research what baby things to buy before birth and forget to stock up on postpartum essentials which are just as important. For a postpartum kit, you will need:
- Some good and huge pads
- Wipe tucks
- Pain-relieving spray
- Cleansing bottle
- Sitz bath soak
- Colace
- Toilet paper
- Extra panties especially granny panties
- Prepare a breastfeeding station
Though breastfeeding may be an awesome experience, it can take time for one to adjust to especially for a first time mum. Preparing a breastfeeding station makes your work much easier. You can set up a little station next to each of your nursing areas and a little breastfeeding basket next to your regular breastfeeding spots, especially at night.
You’ll need a water bottle, nipple butter, a nursing pillow, hand sanitizer, pacifier, tissues, breast pump accessories, high protein snacks, wipes and burp cloths, and breast pads.
- Prepare for bottle feedings
If you are planning on pumping at all then you should go ahead and set up a system for freezing your breastmilk. Preparing ahead of time will minimize a great deal of stress when it comes to bottle-feeding time. You can store your breastmilk through the gift bag method or soda box method.
- Prepare freezer meals
At some point, your husband will go back to work and you will be left in the house. At that time, you will be thankful that you prepared freezer meals, especially for those evenings when you are too exhausted to cook or when there is an unexpected trip to the pediatrician. Start doubling 1 or 2 of meals each week about 3 to 4 weeks before the baby arrives.
You should also get some paper plates because you will definitely not feel like doing dishes.
- Catch up on laundry
Get your laundry done before the baby arrives. Put them in the washer, take a nap. Put them in a dryer and then fold them while you binge-watch Netflix. It will be really awesome for you if you have no clutter by the time you are delivering. Don’t forget to plan for season changes and wash all the clothes you might need for the next month or two.
- Use tools to prepare
You can help yourself prepare with tools like the baby feeding tracker app and a sound machine app to help you squeeze in some extra sleep during the day.
Don’t forget the most important preparation; preparing for labor. Take a quality prenatal class and get all the answers about labor that you need and prep your labor bag. Now you are set to welcome your bundle of joy.