Baby Care Tips: How to Help Your Baby Roll Over
As a new mom, one of the most exciting experiences is watching your baby’s developmental milestones. Most parents often look forward to their baby’s first words as well as their baby’s first steps. Regardless of how small the milestones, they are all as equally important as they signify your baby’s healthy development.
When a baby learns to roll over is usually after they’ve learned how to sit by themselves. Maybe you’re anticipating this major milestone. Even though the baby often learns how to flip over by themselves, you as the mom can present some motivation or help.
Before we get into how you can help, let us address the question of when babies usually learn to roll over.
When Do Baby’s Roll Over?
Now, it is important to note that not all babies develop at the same pace. Some develop faster or slower than others. That said, babies often learn to roll over from their tummy to their backs as soon as 4 months.
Notably, the baby’s ability to roll over from his back to his tummy depends on his neck strength. Also, well-developed arm muscles should aid in their ability to roll over from back to tummy. The best way to develop a baby’s neck strength, as well as the upper body is by incorporating tummy.
However, a baby should be able to roll himself from his back to his tummy by 6 months.
How To Help Your Baby Learn How To Roll Over?
Well, placing your baby on his tummy should help strengthen his neck and arms. Tummy time will encourage your baby to lift his head and support himself using his arms. This is often referred to as mini- pushups and will help develop the muscles necessary for rolling over. Learn more about tummy time here.
You can also use his favorite toy as motivation. Just place it out of reach and wait to see how he’ll get it. Some may roll over, while some may try to push themselves using their legs and arms to get to it. If they use the latter method, do not be discouraged since such a method will help strengthen their muscles as well.
If the baby does roll over to get to the toy or to get to you, cheer him on. This should encourage him to try it again. However, if you notice that your baby has learned how to roll over, make sure that you always place him on the ground level. In other words, avoid leaving your baby on elevated surfaces as they might fall and injure themselves.
You can also try lying next to your baby, but make sure that you leave enough distance between the two of you. Your baby may try rolling over just to get closer to you.
In conclusion, not all babies learn how to roll over at the same pace. Some learn earlier, while others learn later. However, if you notice that your baby has not developed any type of motor skill by six months like kicking her legs, be sure to visit a doctor.